Where will I go

When this life is over?

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What Happens when a Christian Dies

I. What is the Truth?

Someone asked me two questions. The first question was “What happens when a Christian die and why this is not discussed more? Life is full of so many questions, so many successes and so many disappointments.  There is nothing in life more profound or important than the question that only God can answer.  “God where will I spend my eternity?” There are three things in life that I believe by faith we must get right in order to get a positive outcome to this question.

  • The first thing we must do is to get right with ourselves and with God. Don’t delay because tomorrow is not promised (James 4:13-14).
  • Secondly, we must believe in and work out our eternal salvation with his Son Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:12), and
  • thirdly, we must pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth and to empower us to get as close as humanly possible in accomplishing God’s perfect and permissive will(plans/wishes) for our lives.

The Book of Hebrews 9:27 says that there are only two things guaranteed in this life; death and then the judgement.  The reality is that one day you and I will no longer be here.  The bible is clear that we all must stand before the Savior at either the Judgement Seat of Christ or at the Great White Throne Judgement and we must give an account of our activities and deeds while on this Earth.  Does this mean that God give us the option to choose between the two Judgements?

II. Is it Wrong to Have a Discussion about what Happens when We Die?

My second question to you.  Is it wrong for us as Christians to have an honest discussion or a bible study concerning our salvation, our eternal security and what happens at the end before it is too late? Proverbs 27:1 basically says that tomorrow is not promised to anyone.  The Book of James says that man’s life is like a vapor.  Here today, gone today.

I had a recent conversation with my oldest sister who recently lost her oldest son to a violent crime.  She did not openly ask me, but I could sense by the direction of the Holy Spirit that she had questions about what happens to us after death.  Like many Christians, do we really know or understand what happens to us when we die?

Let’s be honest with ourselves, even in our Christian community there is confusion and disagreement concerning what happens after death, who will be saved and most importantly the who, what, when, where, why and how on the Day of Judgment.  I must ask this question.  Why are there so many different views, opinions, beliefs and interpretations of the same bible concerning the afterlife? Here are some of the questions that are asked?

  • Do we immediately fall asleep at death awaiting the Day of Judgement?
  • Do we immediately go into the presence of the Lord?
  • Does the body and the soul sleeps together in the grave?
  • Can our departed loved ones see us and can we sense their presences?
  • Is there a difference between the Judgement Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne Judgement?
  • Where will I spend my eternity?
  • What does Rest in Peace (RIP) mean?
  • Is there really a rapture?
  • What about the New Heaven and the New Earth?

III. Does the bible support all these beliefs and what do you believe as a follower of Christ?

Rather than spending endless hours researching and recreating the wheel.  God has led me to what I believe by faith are some very good websites and videos lessons that are listed below that I believe can illustrate the truth concerning these important questions.  Where you spend your eternity may depend on it!

The Apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”.

Our goal at I AM for Christ Ministries is to provide you with this valuable information for your research as well as a bible study tool, so that you can rightfully divided the word of truth as commanded by the Apostle Paul.  Please take the time to study this important information.


1) Read 1 or more web resources articles.
2) Review 1 or more of the video lessons in each of the areas below.

If your salvation is in Christ, you need to know the truth.  Your eternal security will depend on it.  God will bless you more when you spend time studying his word and learning the truth.

May God of all creation give you a greater revelation of His word.  Let the truth and the understanding of His word set you free.  This is our prayer in the name of Jesus.  Amen

What Happems When a Christian Dies? Two Opinions

What is Truth?

What About the Judgement?

V. Where Will I Spend My Eternity

What Will You do if the Rapture Happen?

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